21 septembre, 2009
Algerian Bloggers Feel Threatened by Proposed Law
Après El Mundu, c’est le journal The New York Times qui consacre un article à la blogosphère algérienne et en particulier au blog « Algérie politique ».
Published: September 21, 2009
By day, he writes for a pro-government newspaper. After work, he becomes El Mouhtarem, author of one of the most popular political blogs in Algeria. Until now, El Mouhtarem, who keeps his real name secret to avoid retaliation by the authorities, and his readers have been free to comment on issues that few in the mainstream Algerian media would touch. While he has received anonymous death threats, there have been no attempts by the government to censor his blog, “Algérie-politique.”A measure likely to be approved this month or in October, however, would bring Internet users under closer scrutiny, and bloggers like El Mouhtarem are nervous. The measure ostensibly aims at cyberterrorism and cybercrime, but critics say that it is vague and could be used to muzzle free speech.
“They’ve realized that the Internet could be used as a tool for social dissent,” El Mouhtarem said.
The proposed law allows for the surveillance of Internet users suspected of terrorist or “subversive” activities, or for breaching national security. Authorization for the surveillance must come from the “relevant judicial authorities,” according to the proposal.